Guanzhou Hu

Feeling comfortably numb

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I am working with Prof. Andrea Arpaci-Dusseau and Prof. Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau (great advisors!) on distributed systems, operating systems, and cloud storage infrastructure. My current focus is on modernizing distributed replication protocols for emerging workloads, such as data-heavy replication and wide-area replication. Previously, I have studied file systems and kernel storage stack technologies for new hardware such as persistent memory.

I had a great internship experience at Amazon Web Services supervised by James Bornholt and Andy Warfield doing some cool cloud storage stuff for AI.

I worked in the awesome group led by Prof. Harry Xu as a summer research intern on scaling and accelerating graph neural networks computation using serverless computing.

I learned a lot from Prof. Shu Yin during my undergraduate study on optimizing file system organization for inherently-structured workloads.


