Guanzhou Hu

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An Effective Algorithm for On-line Linearizability Checking

28 Jul 2024 - Guanzhou Hu

This post describes a simple yet effective algorithm of an on-line linearizability checker for concurrent Put/Get operations from a known number of nodes. The core idea is to maintain a set of still-possible states (i.e., possibilities) given the operation results observed. If this set ever becomes empty after feeding an operation result in, then linearizability has been violated. Check out this repo for a Rust crate implementation of this algorithm.


With multiple nodes issuing and completing concurrent operations on a single object, linearizability 1 2 is defined as the conjunction of the following two conditions:

The core idea behind this algorithm is to maintain a set of still-possible states (hereafter called possibilities) given the operation results observed. If this set ever becomes empty after feeding an operation result in, then linearizability has been violated.


Each possibility is a “snapshot” of the object’s value after successfully applying a sequence of operations. More precisely, a possibility tracks the following three things:

where each operation result, denoted <ts_req>Type(in/out)<ts_ack>, contains the following information besides its source node ID:

Let’s assume all timestamps are unique, and operations from each node are always already in order (i.e., ts_req of the next operation fed by a node is always > ts_ack of its previous operation).

Here is an example of a valid possibility, assuming a known number of 2 nodes n0 and n1:

lineage history current per-node queues
<1>Put(7)<4> ~ <3>Get(7)<6> 7 n0<10>Get(8)<11> ~ <13>Put(9)<17>

The Algorithm

The checker starts from an initial set that contains only one initial possibility.

lineage history current per-node queues
  nil n0

Nodes feed completed operations to the checker. For each operation fed, the checker pushes it to the back of the corresponding node’s queue of every current possibility. Say node n0 feeds a Put(55) that started on timestamp 1 and finished on 5:

lineage history current per-node queues
  nil n0<1>Put(55)<5>

The checker tries to step each current possibility by consuming it, producing 0-to-some new possibilities, and adding them to the set. A possibility can be stepped iff. it has at least one pending operation from every node. Here, there’s now only one possibility in the set and it cannot be stepped (as we don’t yet know what the next op from n1 would look like), so nothing happens.

Say n1 then feeds a Put(66):

lineage history current per-node queues
  nil n0<1>Put(55)<5>

Now we know at least one operation from every node for this possibility, meaning it can be stepped. It picks candidate operations from heads of per-node queues and tries to apply the op to its current value; a successful apply produces a new possibility, while a Get with mismatching value produces none. In this case, either head is a valid candidate because their timestamp spans overlap and both are just Puts. After stepping, the possibility is consumed and two new valid possibilities are produced, so the set now looks like:

lineage history current per-node queues
<1>Put(55)<5> 55 n0
<3>Put(66)<6> 66 n0<1>Put(55)<5>

Stepping is attempted repeatedly until all possibilities in the new set cannot be stepped.

Say n1 then feeds a Get(77) that started late:

lineage history current per-node queues
<1>Put(55)<5> 55 n0
n1<3>Put(66)<6> ~ <10>Get(77)<12>
<3>Put(66)<6> 66 n0<1>Put(55)<5>

While this may look like a linearizability violation at first glance, we can’t say for sure because n0 could have made a Put(77) sometime in the middle. Anyways, feeding this Get makes the second possibility steppable; but this time, only the Put(55) can be a valid next operation. The Get(77) cannot be chosen as a candidate because of two reasons: 1. it started strictly after the finish of Put(55), and 2. even if it overlapped with the Put, its output does not match the current value 66. The new set after stepping:

lineage history current per-node queues
<1>Put(55)<5> 55 n0
n1<3>Put(66)<6> ~ <10>Get(77)<12>
<3>Put(66)<6> ~ <1>Put(55)<5> 55 n0

Say n0 then feeds a Put(77) which indeed happened in the middle:

lineage history current per-node queues
<1>Put(55)<5> 55 n0<7>Put(77)<9>
n1<3>Put(66)<6> ~ <10>Get(77)<12>
<3>Put(66)<6> ~ <1>Put(55)<5> 55 n0<7>Put(77)<9>

After stepping all current possibilities exhaustively, the set reduces to one possibility, and linearizability still holds.

lineage history current per-node queues
<3>Put(66)<6> ~ <1>Put(55)<5> ~ <7>Put(77)<9> 77 n0 ➛ </br> n1<10>Get(77)<12>

Note that operations Put(66) and Put(55) are swappable in the lineage history, but we consider both as the same possibility as they don’t affect the checker’s decisions beyond.

Consider, alternatively, that n0 instead feeds an arbitrary operation that started at timestamp 13, rather than a Put(77) that started before 12. You should find no valid possibilities left after exhaustive stepping, meaning a linearizability violation is detected: n1’s Get that finished at timestamp 12 cannot observe a value of 77. I will leave this as an exercise for readers =)


An implementation of this algorithm, along with examples, can be found at this GitHub repo 3.


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